what would happen to u. say if u dont change the title over and if u change all to ur or another persons name. what would the previous owner be legally able to do? what would the charge be for the check person and what type of trouble would happen?U know how easy it is to make checks and such what would happen if u make a fake check and go buy a car?
in California Grand Theft; among other charges; and since it is a bank, the feds have you cold also.
you are looking at a minimum of 10 years in state prison and god only knows how long the feds will keep you; depending on what kind of day they are having.
the best bet would be, get a job, get a life, and don't do things like that.
thank you for not being a criminal!U know how easy it is to make checks and such what would happen if u make a fake check and go buy a car?
you will go to jail.U know how easy it is to make checks and such what would happen if u make a fake check and go buy a car?
you get driven to jail for a very long timeU know how easy it is to make checks and such what would happen if u make a fake check and go buy a car?
it would be considered to be grand theft,and grand larceny,that would carry a pretty rough jail sentence right there alone,but they would eventually catch up with you,seems like everyone gets caught these days,good luck.U know how easy it is to make checks and such what would happen if u make a fake check and go buy a car?
Do not pass Go do not collect $200 go directly to jail for 2-5yrs.U know how easy it is to make checks and such what would happen if u make a fake check and go buy a car?
You would be charged with fraud and could go to jail.
Most people selling cars will ask for a certified cheque, which cannot be faked. When you change over the registration, the ministry will require ID and proof of purchase and it will be easy for them to trace you when the fraud is discovered.U know how easy it is to make checks and such what would happen if u make a fake check and go buy a car?
Previous owner will press charges. DMV has the Vin and the owner will report the car stolen. Check forgery grand thieft auto. No title is bad two ways you cannot get title to insure or license plate the car. They call that receiving stolen goods and the poor guy driving the unlicensed untitled car gos to jail and the guy who altered the title gets forgery charges. California is especally strict with automobile laws. I would say 10 to 15 years in Chino Mens Or County jail will teach you stealing a mans ride is bad!U know how easy it is to make checks and such what would happen if u make a fake check and go buy a car?