Do you want bureaucrats to determine what procedures the government controlled health care should cover? And for how much? And which drugs you need? And oh boy wait til you get in line for an organ. Do you want those same types at the DMV or running public schools into the whole, to be responsible for YOUR HEALTH? Oh and it'll cost WAY WAY WAY WAY MORE. Government waste and mismanagement at it's pinnacle.
I had to change title on my car. First I was in line forever to get a copy of the title. I had it signed by the parties involved. Took it back. Because the signature wasn't perfect the power tripped government employee wouldn't accept it, had to stand in line to get a whole new title, go back to get it signed. There was nobody to complain to, they're all bureaucrats. I was at their mercy. Same as what happens at public schools and the post office. Is that how inefficient without common sense and full of waste you want your health care to run?Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
Government can't run a post office, run a railroad, issue home loans, or virtually anything else without TOTALLY SCREWING IT UP. That's the legacy of government in this great nation of ours. If this ObamaCare monstrosity becomes reality expect rationing, shortages, a loss of health care talent, and intrusions and violations of personal rights heretofore unimaginable.Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
You are TOTALLY misinformed about health care reform.....I would much rather have them and my doctor do it rather than a greedy da*n insurance exec. Right now in Ca. Blue Cross DENIES 1 in 3 procedures due to the COST..........The insurance industry operates on about 30 % profit margin. Medicare operates at 1 %........You do the math.Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
After the mortgage scam on Wall Street I'll never fully trust capitalism again. I've always believed in America and its government and have seen the great accomplishments America and its government can do.
I feel that way because I'm a democrat.Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
the answer is that the government should help the people when we are in need the price of heath care in amerce is out racist apart to the rest of the would that doing find with socialist heath care it my be goverment run but what i see the doctor contrail the treat metPublic schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
You promised the rich would always take care of you, but they moved overseas and now you're unemployed. Bring them back and have them take care of you, or someone else will have to do it.Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
Public school - free; Private school $12,000.00 / year
Post office - .46; Fed Ex - $6.00
NEXTPublic schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
Very good point. Proves that the government should stay out of what should be free business. The government ruins just about everything they touch.Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
Actually, the current version of Obamacare does not contain any public option.
It's still a private market.Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
Everyone that is for the health care reform are either too stupid to understand english and know what is happening around them or they just think about free free free and will take as much as they can get.Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
Can FedEx send a letter across the country for 44 cents?
Education is a right, just like healthcare. Neither should be run for profit.Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
Wait until they remove your kidney instead of your spleen - who will be held responsible?Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
Government should be allowed to do ONLY what ONLY government CAN do.Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
WHAT WE GET WITH OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM AND THE POST OFFICE WE WILL GET WITH HEALTH CARE WHEN THE GOVERNMENT IS RUNNING ITPublic schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
been that way for years...
what. nothing similar happened during the bush nightmare years?Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
O, the choices, the choices.
Was this a %26quot;private sector bureaucrats vs. public sector bureaucrats,%26quot;? no
This truly is an issue of cost.
Assume for one minute you couldn't afford the private sector choices, and you had to choose between the public choice and no choice:
Now, if you had to choose between public school and no school, you'd probably go for the public school. If you had to choose between public postal service and no postal service, you'd probably use the public one.
Now, the big question:
Given the choice between No Insurance and Public Insurance, which would you go for?Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
I hate to break this to you, but the US Post Office has been around since there was a country.
Article I, section 8 of the US Constitution instructs Congress to create the US Post Office.
It's not something new, and it didn't prevent private alternatives entirely, did it?
This is how far out you have gone: you're now picking a fight with Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.
And I don't know why? What is being run by the Government in all of this other than an exchange where private insurance companies all offer their plans?Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
We don't subsidize the post office. We are unwilling to raise taxes in order to have decent public services, just as we are unwilling to pay more to get products produced in a humane way and instead shop at the bargain store.
Medicare is not like other government services. I don't know anyone who unhappy being on Medicare.
Why would you think that single-payer would be any different?
No one in elected office though, is arguing for single payer. They are arguing for insurance reform.
Your argument is irrelevant to the point at hand.Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
And let me ask you this. Do you want corporate bureaucrats deciding whether they should cover your condition or just keep the profits? BTW, most of us will never be able to get in line for an organ because we just can't afford it so that argument is completely moot. The real question is do you want our system that is not available to many and cost us twice as much as any other health care system in the world, or do we want a modern, efficient system that is available to everyone like the rest of the world has adopted? BTW, the reason you have to wait in long lines at the DMV is because 40 years of the failed conservative agenda has systematically starved our government in hopes of destroying it to the point that we are forced to eliminate all social services and have a government that does nothing but see to the protection of the corporate entities. Oh yes, I was educated in public schools and I will compare my education to that of about 90% of the graduates of private schools that I have ever met. Especially if you attended a private school and this flawed argument is the best you can come up with!Public schools vs. private, post office lines vs. Fed-ex, DMV, etc. - now your health care too?
Government run anything is and always has been a loser.