Thursday, June 2, 2011

If I move from WI to IL, should I register my car and title with the Illinois DMV, and if yes in how many days

I am buying a car from a private party in Madison Wisconsin. But I will be moving to Illinois in a week to start a job. Do I have to do the title change and registration in WI first and then after a week, again in Illinois. Cant I manage with WI title and registration in IL if I am going to live in IL for only 8 months. Also, what is the sales tax in Wisconsin, and do I have to have car insurance before I can register the vehicle.If I move from WI to IL, should I register my car and title with the Illinois DMV, and if yes in how many days
get on the illinois dmv website

they can probably answer your question thereIf I move from WI to IL, should I register my car and title with the Illinois DMV, and if yes in how many days
You should call the DMV and ask them all of the particulars.If I move from WI to IL, should I register my car and title with the Illinois DMV, and if yes in how many days
The tax in WI is higher so it might benfit you to register it here in IL. If you have a lease already then it's no big deal to register it here instead of doing it twice. As to the time frame - thirty days and it's a hefty fine for not doing so. Plenty of people live here with family in WI and think they can get away with leaving their vehicle registered at home. When they get in an accident though it can become very ugly. If you truly will live in WI for only eight months then you might get away with claiming to be a transient worker - ala a consultant without much trouble. We have plenty of consultant's that do this for work in other states.